Arcane Tales is the second deck of the Tales series. Include a lot of different magic characters inspired by the most popular fairy tales, like Peter Pan, Cinderella and the Sleeping Beauty.
Tales is a series of playing cards, inspired by Fairy Tales, Fables, and Fantasy Books. Designed by the Italian designer Giovanni Meroni.
The main purpose of these decks is to offer you a vast array of characters with which to tell and create Fairy Tales, for both kids and adults.
Arcane Tales comes with a Magical twist: Wizards, Faeries, and Enchanted Creatures.
Spades - Pure Magic
Queen - Her powerful Magic saves Heroes and Princesses. She can turn pumpkins into carriages with a wave of her wand.
King - A Wizard who has studied for hundreds of years. His house is none too clean, however, and you shall not pass.
Hearts - Magic Love
Jack - A very practical musician, he can charm your pest problems away. Unfortunately, his pipe does not charm princesses.
King - Sometimes, good guys get the girl, even if they’re big and hairy. The secret, obviously, is the Red Rose.
Clubs - Magic Forest
Queen - She is a spirit of the Forest–wild and prone to untamed fits of jealousy. She has a good heart, however, and the dust from her wings can make you fly.
King -The magnificent King of the Elven Woods looks younger than he is.
Diamonds - The Mountain
Jack - One of seven stout brothers, he loves to sing, mine diamonds, and chase Princesses.
King - A huge giant with a huge heart. He also has a huge appetite, but he’s vegetarian.